
CIS 105 -- Survey of Computer Information Systems

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Survey of Computer Information Systems provides an overview of computer information systems, fundamental computer concepts, and programming techniques. It includes hands-on experience with selected business software and (a brief introduction to) one programming language. Prerequisites: None.

James Q. Jacobs, Instructor  --  Contact Info.

Syllabus  |  Assignments  |  Student Data Files

Essential Concepts and Terminology Study Units:

HTML Files:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   

PowerPoint Files:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13  


MCC E-MAIL: Your MyMCC account allows you to use MCC e-mail from a web browser on or off campus, and to access other information and student servies. To create your MCC Mail Account go to http://www.mc.maricopa.edu, the MCC Home Page, and click Create an Account in the MyMCC Portal area.

Train and Assess IT companion Website for the Office XP textbook.

CIS 105 Department Support Materials site provides useful links to course resources.

Download Macromedia Web Players. This site supplies a plug-in used to play training media provided with the Office XP textbook.

Download PowerPoint Viewer 97. View PowerPoint files without PowerPoint on your computer using this free application/plug-in.  

Internet Education Resources -- Useful Links -- Readings --  Web Authoring Readings.

Using FTP

Final Integration Project PowerPoints created by students.

Download Free Software from the MCC Helpdesk.


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