Syllabus -- CIS 105
Survey of Computer Information Systems

Section 0822 -- 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM -- MWF Room BP2
Section 0826 -- 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM -- MWF Room BP2
Section 0832 -- 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM -- MWF Room BP2

James Q. Jacobs, Instructor.

Course Schedule  |  Competencies  |  Outline  |  Assignments  |  Class Home

Course Schedule:
Course content and schedule may vary to meet the needs of the class.
are separately described and incorporated herein.
Week of
Learn Office XP
Computers in Your Future
Aug. 25
Working with Windows
Chapter 1
Sept. 1
The World Wide Web, E-mail, FTP
Chapter 2
Sept. 8
Operating Systems, Windows XP
Chapter 3
Sept. 15
MS Office Common Elements
Chapter 4
Sept. 22
MS Word
Chapter 5
Sept. 29
MS Word
Chapter 6
Oct. 6
MS Word
Chapter 7
Oct. 13
MS Excel
Chapter 8
Oct. 20
MS Excel
Chapter 9
Oct. 27
MS Access
Chapter 10
Nov. 3
MS Access
Chapter 11
Nov. 10
MS PowerPoint
Chapter 12
Nov. 17
MS PowerPoint
Chapter 13
Nov. 24
Chapter 14
Dec. 1
Chapter 15
Dec. 8
MS FrontPage and MS Publisher
Chapter 16
Dec. 15
Final Exam Week

HOLIDAYS: No classes on Monday, Sept. 1, Labor Day, and on Friday, Nov. 28, during the Thanksgiving Holiday. MCC Calendar.  

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Overview of computer information systems, fundamental computer concepts, and programming techniques.  Hands-on experience with selected business software and one programming language.

ASSESSMENT: Grades will be based on completion of assignments, quality of projects, quizzes and objective testing.  Evaluation: The letter grade you earn in the class will be based upon your performance as follows: Quizzes 30%, Assignments 50%, Final Test 20%.  All assignments and assessments will be worth a specific number of points.  A makeup quiz will be offered at the end of semester, and the makeup score will replace your lowest quiz score if you have not missed a quiz.  Your total points at the completion of the course will determine your grade.  The scale is as follows: 100 - 90% = A, 90 - 76% = B, 76 - 60% = C, 60 - 50% = D, 50 - 0% = F.  You are responsible for keeping an electronic copy of all work you turn in.  If requested, you must turn in your work in electronic form, or you will not receive the corresponding points.  

MATERIALS: Electronic storage media.  Be sure to backup your own work.
TEXTS: Computers in Your Future 2003 by Bryan Pfaffenberger.  ISBN 0-13-035468-6.
Learn Office XP by Preston, Preston and Ferrett.  ISBN 0-13-060063-6.  No CDs required.

COMPANION WEBSITES: Computers in Your Future, Learn Office XP. Train and Assess IT.

COMPUTER LABS: You will need an MCC student ID card to access the Computer Labs.  Some classes and all quizzes and the final test will be held in the Computer Lab.  Always carry your ID to campus, so class can move to lab unannounced.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of classes.  Students are expected to attend all class meetings and to arrive on time.  Each class builds on previous topics.  Six unexcused absences may result in being dropped from the course.  Any excused absence must be arranged with the instructor in advance, or it will be unexcused.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Instruction will be a combination of lecture, discussion, lab, hands-on tutorials and assessments.  You should read the text topics before lectures in class.  The amount of time you spend on exercises and reading should be about six hours per week.  Feel free to help one another. However, you must do all your own work.  You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the learning process.  A creative and enjoyable environment is a better learning environment.  If, for some reason, you are not enjoying this class, please bring it to my attention.  

ACADEMIC ETHICS: I encourage cooperative and collective learning.  You are responsible for completing your own work.  Any form of academic dishonesty or its facilitation may be subject to discilinary action, including a failing grade.  For Institutional Policy see the Student Handbook.  You are responsible for knowing the details of the policy.  Student Handbooks are available on campus.

POLICIES: The policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges is to provide an educational, employment and business environment free of unwanted sexual harrassment.  Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action.  For Institutional Policy see the Student Handbook. You are responsible for knowing the details of the policy.

COMPUTER USE: You are responsible for knowing the General Computing Guidelines and Computer Users Guidelines, the standards and rules governing computer use of the Computer Labs on the campus.  Violation of the Standards may result in your account termination and disciplinary action.

FOOD OR DRINK: Do not bring food or drink into the computer areas or the classroom.

DISABILITIES or SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability, including a learning disability, and wish to discuss any accommodations you may need, please see me after class, during my scheduled lab time, or e-mail me.  You can also contact the Disability Resources and Services Office.

If any adjustments must be made to this syllabus, the changes will be provided in writing.  Slight changes in the Assignments page will be made online and announced in class, rather than in writing.

Course Competencies

  • Summarize the historical development of information processing and the computer and describe its impact on society.
  • Identify common uses of computers in business and other sectors of society.
  • Identify career paths and job opportunities in computer information systems and the responsibilities for each.
  • Identify the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of typical business hardware configurations.
  • Name common hardware components of business systems and describe their uses.
  • Describe methods and requirements for batch, real-time, and database processing,
  • Identify the binary equivalent of decimal numbers and other features of common computer codes.
  • Name common teleprocessing harware devices and their uses.
  • Identify common components of an operating system.
  • Identify several widely used programming languages and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • Name and explain the steps in the system development process.
  • Describe the components of a Management Information System.
  • Describe the components of common business systems such as office automation, point of sale, and electronic funds transfer.
  • Use a computer to negotiate common terminal operations.
  • Develop flowcharts and/or pseudocode to define algorithms for simple computer programs.
  • Write simple programs in a common programming language using appropriate input, output, and processing statements for that language.
  • Use word processing, spreadsheet, and database software to complete common business operations and transactions.

Course Outline:

I. Development of computer information systems
    A. History of information processing
    B. Impact on society
II. Common uses of computers
    A. Business uses
    B. Other uses
III. Career paths and job opportunities
    A. Qualifications
    B. Responsibilities
    C. Career expectations
IV. Typical business hardware configurations
    A. Characteristics
    B. Advantages
    C. Disadvantages
V. Hardware components
    A. Central processing unit
        1. Microcomputers
        2. Minicomputers
        3. Mainframe computers
    B. Storage devices
    C. Input/output devices
    D. Computer operations
VI. Processing data
    A. Batch
    B. Real-time
    C. Database
VII. Common computer codes
    A. Binary equivalent of decimal numbers
    B. Other features
VIII. Teleprocessing devices
    A. Types
    B. Uses
IX. Common components of operating systems
    A. Basic concepts
    B. Commands
    C. Files and directories
    D. Editing
    E. Debugging
X. Programming languages
    A. BASIC
    B. Pascal
    C. COBOL
    D. Ada
    E. C language
XI. System development
XII. Management information systems
XIII. Business systems
    A. Office automation
    B. Point of sale
    C. Electronic funds transfer
XIV. Common terminal operations
XV. Algorithms for simple computer programs
    A. Flowcharts
    B. Pseudocode
XVI. Writing simple programs
XVII. Using software in business operations
    A. Word processing
    B. Spreadsheets
    C. Databases   |   Return to Class Web Site  |