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Tutorials | Downloads
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Books | Search
Tutorial Sites:Downloads/Shareware and Freeware:
- Using Netscape Browsers. Netscape has many resources to make it easier for you to use your Netscape browser. Whether you're installing Netscape Communicator for the first time or are a power user, you'll find something of interest here. Check out the Netscape Communicator 4.5 Tutorial for New Users.
- The webTeacher site provides a convenient list of topics that help you navigate directly to the topic of your choice. They also have an internal search engine. You can choose between Netscape and Explorer tutorials and between Macintosh and PC platforms.
- Many people use the NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML as a starting point to understanding the hypertext markup language (HTML) used on the World Wide Web.
- Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial. A comprehensive resource of information about the Internet and how to search. Great for newbies or advanced searchers.
- LEARN THE NET: The Interactive Search Engine Tutorial. This interactive tutorial will step you through using Alta Vista's "simple" and "advanced" search engines.
- Internet Tutorials. Collection of tutorials assembled and maintained by the University at Albany Libraries for topics from Basic Internet to Search Engines to Software Training.
- Finding Information on the Internet. Teaching Library Internet Workshops, University of California, Berkeley. Bookmarks in Netscape Navigator. When, why and how bookmarks are used.
- Organizing Bookmarks in Netscape 2.0 and Above features great illustrations.
Free Web Graphics:
- Download Netscape Communicator.
- Netscape > Home > Computing & Internet > Download > Browser Plug-ins.
- Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Download Apple QuickTime, complete technology for handling video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual reality (VR) scenes.
- Macromedia Flash Player download center.
- Macromedia Shockwave & Macromedia Flash Players download center.
- Download free RealPlayer.
- PowerPoint Animation Player & Publisher by Microsoft. Publish and view PowerPoint objects in your Web page.
- View PowerPoint files without PowerPoint. Download PowerPoint Viewer (2000 Release).
- Windows Media Player.
- Netscape Plug-in Finder.
- Adobe GoLive free 30 day trial version.
- MacroMedia Dreamweaver free 30 day trial version.
- Jumbo: Shareware and Freeware. Thousands of shareware and freeware programs have been grouped by topic, with links to multiple FTP archives for downloading.
- C/Net Download.com. Download demos and freeware for apps covering everything from business to games.
- File Mine. MPnet's searchable archive of downloadable shareware files. Applications are organized by category.
- Completely Free Software. Free software for Windows and DOS. Games, graphics, utilities, multimedia and more.
- Shareware Central. Shareware Central is the shareware directory, with reviews, links, and contact info on many different shareware titles.
- Shareware.com
- download.com A shareware directory from CNET.
- ZD Net Software Library
- Yahoo's Directory: Computers and Internet > Software
File Compression and Extraction
- Wilson's "Free Gifs & Animations". You may save and use any gif or jpg on our pages for personal or business sites if you include a link from your page to theirs.
- Animation Factory. Lots of original free animated gifs, clipart and web graphics.
- Free Stuff Center. Includes free catalogs, fonts, games, graphics and more.
- The Free Site. An excellent resource for freebies, including free products, graphics, services, product samples, games and much more.
Newsgroups, Mailing Lists and Chat:
- PKZIP for DOS and OpenVMS. The latest in a tradition of compression utilities from PKWARE, Inc.
- PKZIP, PKUNZIP, WINZIP - ZIP for windows(Shareware). PKZIP extraction utilities. Download all the latest shareware ZIP and UNZIP Utilities including WINZIP and PKWARE.
Internet Books:
- Deja.com is a portal site offering various newsgroups.
- Liszt, the mailing list directory. Search Liszt's main directory of 90,000 mailing lists or browse the directory topics and sub-categories.
- Liszt's Directory Usenet Newsgroups. Choose from 30,000 newsgroups, 80,000 mailing lists, 25,000 chat channels and more.
- Search discussion lists, newsgroups, MUDS, mailing lists, interactive Web chat groups and more. For topics of interest to scholars and professionals.
Search and Directories:
- How to Do Everything with the Internet by Dennis Jones. ©2001 ISBN 0-07-213028-8. Recommended.
- Internet Catalog at Course Technology.
- How the Internet Works, Millenium Edition by Preston Gralla.
- HTML 4 for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide.
Netscape Search
GTE SuperPages
Netscape Yellow Pages
Netscape People Finder
BellSouth-Real WhitePages
Google Search Engine