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EDU 240 -- Capstone Project

3 Credits -- Spring 2002
Class Web site: http://www.jqjacobs.net/edu/edu240/
James Q. Jacobs, Instructor.  E-mail.  Phone: anytime

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Capstone dedicated to creating a technology-enhanced multimedia courseware. This courseware should reflect students' skills learned in the program. It could be about the community in different areas, such as history, culture, business, education etc. It can also reflect technology infusion in the electronic lesson plans.

LEARNING OUTCOMES. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1.) demonstrate his/her full understanding about the multimedia production procedures, 2.) understand the role of each multimedia feature in education, digitizing sound, pictures, video, etc., 3.) use multimedia features appropriately in her/his subject area, 4.) demonstrate the ability to create effective technology enhanced lesson plans, which should be able to improve instruction and student learning.

STANDARDS. Students are 1.) able to apply multimedia features to their lesson plans properly, 2.) students are able to use technology to improve their instructional quality, 3.) student technology-enhanced lesson plans should help students improve their learning, 4.) students are able to evaluate their lesson plans and revise the plans to fit different groups, 5.) students can develop electronic portfolio using multimedia production skills.

SCHEDULE: There will be only three class meetings. Students will work independently on their projects. The instructor will be available in the lab at scheduled times and locations to assist students, and at all times via e-mail. Students can make arrangements to meet with the instructor.

ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE: Your final project is not due until the last class meeting at the end of the semester. To facilitate the process several preliminary stages will be assessed by the instructor. The first step is to describe your project idea. A form with questions about your plan will be provided. This assignment will be due on Feb. 1. You will receive feedback on this assignment and then will proceed with a storyboard. The storyboard will be due by Feb. 22 at the latest. The semester ends on May 9, and no work will be accepted after this date. You will present some of your work at the final class meeting, May 2. Details for the final assignment and class presentations are available on the Final Assignment and Presentations page.

ASSESSMENT: Grades will be based on completion of assignments and quality of projects.

MATERIALS: Electronic storage media.
TEXTS: To be assigned on an individual basis in consideration of project needs.

ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Labs will be scheduled and individualized instruction/project assistance can be arranged. Attendance at labs is not mandatory.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND ACADEMIC ETHICS: Students should feel free to help one another and collaborate in the learning process. I encourage cooperative and collective learning. However, you are responsible for completing your own work. Any form of academic dishonesty or its facilitation will be subject to disciplinary action. Institutional policy specifics are published in the Student Handbook and your are responsible for knowing them. A creative and enjoyable environment is a better learning environment. If, for some reason, you are not enjoying this class bring it to my attention.

DISABILITIES or SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability, including a learning disability, please see me after class, during lab time, or e-mail me to discuss any accommodations you may need.

COMPUTER USE: You are responsible for knowing the standards and rules governing computer use on the campuses. Violation of the standards may result in your account termination and disciplinary action.

CLASS WEB SITE: This page will serve as a class home page. Links to access support materials will be added as needed. Check this page occasionally for additions below, including forthcoming labs.


Lab hours will be communicated by e-mail. You can request that a lab time be scheduled to meet your specific needs. Attendance at lab is not mandatory. Bring your questions.

Go to:   Assignment One Proposal  |  Assignment Two Storyboard

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