1 #107 - June 21, 1980 Solitary in a CAP - 35 nun x conic, margin smooth, flesh gin, fragile GILLS - adnate, crowded, narrow, dark brown with two tiers of lamellulae STEM - 70 x 3 nun, broadest at the base, bay colored and lightening toward the apex to fulvous, fibrous, somewhat hollow, w/ white fibrils in the basal portion Staining bluish black where injured ravine on soil at 6000 fasl. in Acajete, V.C., Mexico 12 mm high, umber, darkest at the apex, broadly straight, translucent, shiny, moist, hygrophanous, concolorous, thin, evenly tapering toward the mar #108 - Psilocybe Wassoniorum - June 21, 1980 SOlitary on soil at 6000 fasl. in Acajete, V.C., Mexico #109 - June 21, 1980 SOlitary in humus on soil amidst mint plants in a at 6000 fasl. in Acajete, V.C., Mexico CAP - 9 - 13 nun wide x 8mm, broadly conic-convex, to papillate, umber-brown, drying to a deep buff, GILLS - ascendant, adnexed, broad, edges whitish, STEM - 90 nun x 1 mm wooded pasture unbonate hygrophanous close #110 - June 21, 1980 Gregarious on soil amidst grasses in a wooded pasture at 6000 fas1. in Acajete, V.C., Mexico. CAP - 13 - 25 nun wide x 12 - 19 high, convex, umbonate, margin lnCurved, wavy, and lobular, translucent, somewhat shiny, hygrophanous, smooth, fulvous when young, drying to yellow buff, flesh conco1orous near the margin where moist, whitish in the apical half where drying, flesh thin except in the umbo, pliable and rubbery GILLS - adnate , narrow, crowded, pallid with a vinaceous tint, w/3 tiers of 1ame11u1ae STEM - 50 - 110 nun x 3 - 5, central, fibrous, hollow, w/fine longitudinally aligned white fibrils near the base, there dark brick colored and lightening to whitish at the apex. #111 - June 21, 1980 - Psilocybe species Gregarious amidst grasses in a wooded pasture at 6000 fasl. in Acajete, V.C., Mexico. CAP - 18 - 22 mm broad x 7 - 10 mm high, broadly convex, distinctly umbonate, at times applanate near the umbo, marginal portion straight to slightly recurved, edge rimose and eroded in age. Sepia colored, drying to yellow buff, slightly translucent, striate, dull, moist, hygrophanous, smooth. Flesh concolorous in the thin marginal two-thirds and entirely so in the surface layer, apical context white and rapidly staining blue. GILLS - adnate, ascendant, broad, sub-distant, dark brown wi a purplish cast, wi two tiers of lamellulae, mottled. STEM - 2 mm broad at the apex, 3 mm broad at the base, 40 - 50 mm tall, completely coated with white, longitudinally aligned fibrils at the base, less densely coated toward the apex and at times agglutinated in groups in the central portion giving a scaly appearance, concolorous w/ cap, fibrous, flesh bay to fulvous, wi a whitish pith or at times hollow. #112 - June 21, 1980 Solitary in a ravine on soil at 6000 fasl. in Acajete, V. C., Mexico CAP - 9 mm x 23 mm broad, broadly conic, margin straight, translucent striate in the marginal half, hygrophanous, smooth, flesh thin in the marginal half then thickening toward the apex, whitish buff when dry. GILLS - adnate, close, 2mm x 10mm, fulvous brown, somewhat wavy, wi two tiers of lamellulae. STEM - 2 x 60 mm, bay colored except at the apex, there lightenIng to almost white, the basal half partially coated with white fibrils, the apical half is smooth, fibrous, flesh concolorous, partially hollow and stuffed with a cottony white pith. #113 - June 21, 1980 - Psilocybe Zapotecorum In a ravine near running water in Acajete at 6000 fasl. Occuring in extremely shaded conditions, thereby only slightly pigmented Drab grey wi a blue tint, margin wavy, wi three tiers of lamellulae. #114 - June 21, 1980 - Psilocybe Zapotecorum In a partially wooded pasture on landslide fill near a stream at 6000 fasl. near Acajete, 'v. C., Mexico #115 - June 21, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae From soil and humus on steep embankments in a mixed open wooded area of a pasture near Acajete, V.C., Mexico. #116 - June 21, 1980 Gregarious and caespitose on soil amidst grasses at 6000 fasl. in a wooded pasture near Acajete, V.C., Mexico. Cap - 15 - 30 rom broad x 9 - 20, convex to hemispherical, distinctly umbonate, margin rimose, somewhat wavy, straight, snuff brown, drying to yellow buff, translucent-striate, hygrophanous, smooth, flesh thin. Gills - adnate, narrowm close, milky coffee with a vinaceous tint. Stem - 1 - 2 x 35 - 75 rom, bay colored, somewhat lighter at the apex, broadest at the base, partially coated with white fib rils in the basal half, fibrous, flesh concolorous, partially stuffed with a white pith. #117 - June 22, 1980 - Psilocybe Yungensis On a decomposing log at 5100 fasl. near Paz de Enriquez, V.C., Mex. #118 - June 22, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae On soil from an embankment in a deciduous forest at 4900 fasl. near Paz de Enriquez, V.C., Mexico. #119 - June 22, 1980 On soil in a deciduous forest at 4900 fasl. near Paz de Enriquez, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #120 - June 22, 1980 On soil in a deciduous forest at 4900 fasl. near Paz de Enriquez Vera Cruz, Mexico #121 - June 25, 1980 On soil from an embankment in a deciduous forest from Cerro Martinica, Banderilla, Vera Cruz, Mexico #122 - June 25, 1980 On soil from an enbankment in a deciduous forest. SOlitary or in a pair on Cerro Martinica, Banderilla, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #123 - June 25, 1980 - Psilocybe Zapotecorum On erosion deposited soil, principally red clay subsoil, near a stream in a shady area in a pasture at the base of a vertical hillside at near 5800 fasl. above and south of San Andres, Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #124 - June 25, 1980 On erosion deposited soil, principally red clay subsoil, beside a rivlet below shrubs in a shady area in a pasture at the base of a vertical hillside at near 5800 fasl. above and south of San Andres, Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #125 - June 25, 1980 - Psilocybe caerulescens Amidst grasses in a pasture on erosion deposited red clay subsoil at near 5600 fasl. In a clearing in the bottom of a canyon. Robust and heliophilic. # 126 - June 26, 1980 - Psilocybe mexicana On soil in a pasture near Xico, Vera Cruz, Mexico # 127 - June 26, 1980 - Psilocybe cubensis On dung amidst grasses in a pasture at near 4000 fasl. 1 km. south of xico, Vera Cruz, Mexico #128 - June 27, 1980 - Psilocybe Wassoniorum SOlitary on soil in a partially wooded pasture near 6000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #129 - June 27, 1980 On soil in a partially wooded pasture. Solitary amidst dense grass at 5900 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. CAP - 20 rom broad x 8 rom, broadly convex and mammilate, translucent striate, snuff-brown, drying to fulvous-buff. GILLS - broad ascendant, adnexed, edges white, purplish brown. STEM - 2-3 rom x 90, broadening toward the base, lower two-thirds coated with white, longitudinally aligned fibrils, purplish chestnut -,- -- ,. except at the very apex, there becoming bay then sienna above. #130 - June 27, 1980 Gregarious and clustered on soil near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico CAP - light fulvous, conic-convex and umbonate GILLS - narrow and close Macroscopicly nearly equal to Psilocybe yungensis #131 - June 27, 1980 - Psilocybe zapotecorum Solitary to caespitose on soil near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico #132 - June 27, 1980 Gregarious on soil amidst grasses at 6000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. CAP - orange-toned fulvous GILLS - somewhat broad, subdistant STEM - white when young, cortinoid annulus with remnants persisting Resembles Psilocybe cyanescens. #133 - June 27, 1980 On soil amidst grasses in a partially wooded pasture near Acajete at 6000 fasl. Vera Cruz, Mexico. #134 - June 27, 1980 SOlitary amidst grasses in a wooded pasture near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. At 5900 fasl. CAP - 5 rom x 4 rom tall, umbonate-campanulate, light fulvous brown GILLS - ascendant, adnexed, broad STEM - 1 rom x 50 rom, darkest at the base, fulvous, with fibrils in the lowest portion #135 - June 28, 1980 - Psi10cybe mexlcana SOlitary in a pasture at 5500 fas1. near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #136 - June 28, 1980 - Psi10cybe Herrarae On soil from an embankment in a densely shaded deciduous forest at 5,500 fas1. near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #137 - June 28, 1980 - Psi10cybe Herrarae SOlitary or in pairs from humus and soil on a steep hillside in a deciduous forest at near 6000 fas1. near San Andres. Cap - 7 - 11 rom broad x 7 - 10 rom, campanu1ate, distinctly umbonate, margin wavy, sepia colored Gills - ascendant, broad, purplish brown Stem - .5 - 2rom broad, variable in width below the soil, 110 - 140 rom long overall with 30 - 35 rom exposed above the soil and humus, partially coated with white fibrils #138 - June 28, 1980 On soil amidst mosses in shade in a woods at 5,500 fas1. above San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Cap - 11 - 15 rom high, dark sepia brown, convex, umbonate, margin straight, eroded, flesh opaque, smooth Gills - adnexed, ascendant, broad, distinctly violet brown, edges whitish, close Stem - 1 rom broad at the apex, 3 rom at the base, 55 rom tall, bay at the apex and purplish chestnut below, partially coated with white fibrils. #139 - June 28, 1980 A single sOlitary specimen on soil in a forest above San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico at 5800 fas1. Cap - 8 rom wide x 9 rom, parabolic with a de curved margin, umber, drying to buff, apex drying to fu1vous buff, orbicular, somewhat translucent-striate, dull, moist, hygrophanous, flesh conco1orous thin at the margin, thickening towards the umbo, rapidly staining blue in the umbo context when cut Gills - ascendant, adnate, broad, subdistant, with two tiers of 1ame11u1ae, purple brown Stem - 1 rom x 40 rom, fu1vous sienna in the upper half, the lower half inserted in humus rich soil and deep bay colored, twisted, context buff. #140 - June 28, 1980 A single sOlitary specimen inserted in soil in a woods near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Cap - 8 mm broad x 6 mm, convex with a distinct umbo, dried, buff brown Gills ascendant, adnexed, pallid purple brown, broad, subdistant Stem - 1 mm x 45, sienna to bay, pruinose to partially coated with white fibrils #141 - June 28, 1980 - Psilocybe Wassoniorum Solitary on soil in a wooded area of a pasture at 6000 fasl. near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. One specimen. Ca~ - furrowed on drying with a distinct small acute papilla, pOlnted convex, 7mm x 7mm. Gills - ascendant, adnexed, purple brown, edges whitish Stem - 1 mm x 70 mm, dark brick colored except more pallid at the apex, partially coated with white fibrils except at the apex, inserted in humus and completely coated with white fibrils on the inserted portion. #142 - June 28, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae SOlitary in a wooded area in a pasture in dense shade. Fruiting from an embankment, near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. At 5900 fasl. #143 - June 28, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae SOlitary in dense shade in a deciduous wooded area of a pasture. From soil, near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #144 - June 28, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae Solitary on soil in a wooded area of a pasture at 5900 fasl. near San Andres, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ca~ - 23 mm broad x 12 mm, convex with a straight margin, parabolic, Sllghtly rimose, dark cigar brown with a snuff brown band on the margin, opaque, not striate, smooth, somewhat shiny, flesh thin, concolorous Gills - ascendant, adnate, broad, close, purple brown with three tiers of lamellulae, edges concolorous Stem - dark brown vinaceous, 3 mm x 80, inserted in humus and soil, smooth, fibrous, narrowly hollow. #145 - June 29, 1980 A single solitary specimen on decaying leaves in a partially wooded pasture near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico at 6000 fasl. Cap - 5 rom x 5 rom, conic-convex, orbicular, margin straight, fulvous brown, drying to buff, hygrophanous, translucent-striate. Gills - ascendant, subdistant, with one tier of lamellulae, adnexed, broad. Stem - 1 rom x 35, pruinose near the apex, partially coated with white fibrils at the base, diminishing upward, yellowish-buff at the apex, darkening downward to more bay toned. #146 - June 29, 1980 Clustered on soil in a partially wooded pasture. In partial shade amidst grasses, at 6000 fasl. #147 - June 30, 1980 On soil from an embankment at 6,100 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Cap - 11 rom broad x 12 rom, convex, maromilate, margin slightly rimose and incurved, slightly furrowed, smooth, dull, flesh very thin, thickening near the apex, white in the context of the umbo, hazel colored. Gills - ascendant, adnexed, broad, close, with two tiers of lamellulae. Stem - 1 - 1.5 rom x 135 rom, sienna in the apical portion and darkenIng downward to bay, two-thirds inserted in humus #148 - June 30, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae Fruiting from below the soil surface via a long narrow hole or cavity in the embankment, with basidias forming on and in the inmediate proximity of the stems fibrillose coating. In this collection basidia formation on another carpophore was first observed, as well as evidencing full developement subsequent to forming in such fashion. This collection consists of two carpophores which are connected to a third stem, the remains of a previous carpophore which had aged. Its stem remained intact from the new basidia branching downward. From the Acajete site. #149 - July 1, 1980 - Psilocybe wassoniorum Inserted in soil in partial shade in a wooded pasture at 6000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. In this collection I have for the first time observed this species having branched below the soil surface. This carpophore was connected to a partial stem of an older specimen. # 150 - July 1, 1980 Clustered amidst grasses on soil at 6000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. # 151 - July 8, 1980 Gregarious amidst grasses on erosion and landslide deposited soil near a rivulet in a wooded pasture at 6000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. # 152 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe caeru1escens On soil disturbed by earthmoving equipment along a roadside near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca at 975 fasl. # 153 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe caerulescens Collection Spoiled # 154 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe We1deni SOlitary on soil disturbed by earthmovers in shade at 975 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Cap - Snuff brown to Cigar brown, 15 - 20 mm broad x 5 - 6 mm, broadly convex and applanate near a distinct umbo, orbicular, margin straight, translucent when held to light, furrowed to near the umbo, dull, smooth, flesh concolorous ad thin except in and near the umbo, staining black where injured, soft, somewhat rubbery. Gills - adnexed, broad, close (24 full gills), two tiers of lamellulae, deep brown vinaceous colored, edges light drab, Stem - 1.5 mm x 50 - 60 mm, dark bay to purplish chestnut brown, basal half coated with white fibrils, fibrous, context concolorous except a fulvous inner lining of hollow area. #155 - July 5, 1980 Solitary and gregarious on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. In shade. Cap - snuff brown in the margin and otherwise umber when fresh, drying to hazel-buff except the cigar brown umbo, 6 - 20 rom broad x 6 - 10 rom, conic-convex when young, expanding to broadly convex and applanate near the distinct umbo, margin straight, opaque, translucent by light, moist, hygrophanous, smooth, flesh thin except in and near the umbo, buff-sienna when hygophorized. Gills - adnexed, broad, close (20 full gills), white when young, sepia when mature, wavy in age, edges whitish, with two tiers of 1ame11u1ae. Stem - 1 - 2 rom x 40 - 75 rom, up to three rom broad at the very base when mature, basal half partially coated with longitudinally aligned appressed white fibrils, upper portion is pruinose, especially so nearest the apex, dark brick to purplish chestnut, flesh fu1vous buff, fibrous, hollow near base. #156 - July 5, 1980 SOlitary and gregarious on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fas1. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. In shade. Cap - 6 - 16 rom broad x 4 - 12 rom, fu1vous brown to dark hazel brown, conic-convex, umbonate to distinctly papillate, broadly convex with an applanate area adjacent to the papilla when mature, slightly furrowed, flesh white in the central area. Gills - very broad, ascendant #157 - July 5, 1980 - Psi10cybe caerulescens On soil along a foot path in a rain forest at 1050 fasl near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #158 - July 5, 1980 SOlitary on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fas1. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Two specimens Cap - 10 - 12 rom broad x 8 - 10 rom, umber to snuff brown when fresh, drying to light fulvous, conic-convex to convex and umbonate, margin straight and wavy, overview wavy-somewhat lobular, hygrophanous, slightly furrowed, somewhat striate, opaque, translucent when held to light, dull, moist, smooth, flesh thin, conco1orous except in and near the apex, there whitish and readily staining blue, soft, durable and rubbery. Gills - adnexed, ascendant, broad, close (20 full gills), drab with whitish edges, with two tiers of 1ame11ulae Stem - 1.5 - 3 (base 4) rom x 42 - 45 rom, white by complete fibrillose covering, fibrils longitudinally aligned and appressed, shortest at the apex, ftEre appearring almost pruinose and having a purplish chestnut color showing, fibrous, flesh bay except interior wall of hollowed portion (broadest at the base), there whitish buff. -- # 159 - July 5, 1980 On disturbed red clay subsoil, sOlitary or in caespitose pairs at 975 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Cap - 7 - 18 rom broad x 5 - 12 rom, conic-convex to hemisherical to broadly convex, umbonate to acutely papillate, hazel to sepia, blackish with age, drying to drab buff, usually orbicular, edge usually straight and entire, crenulated in some, at times slightly rimose, at times a little uplifted, wavy with age, dull, somewhat opaque, most translucent and striate when young and fresh, smooth except furrowed, hygrophanous, flesh very thin except near and in the umbo, there whitish and regularly staining blue, otherwise concolorous. Gills - adnexed, ascendant, broad, close (24 full gills), pallid when young, then hazel, finally deep purple brown, with two tiers of lamellulae. Stem - 1 - 3 (4 at the base) x 40 - 75 rom, thickening downward, basal half coated with longitudinally aligned appressed white fibrils, upper portion partially coated with shorter and more pruinose appearing fibrils, dark umber to purplish chestnut below the fibrils, fibrous, context hollow, concolorous near the surface, otherwise buff to white. # 160 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe cordispora SOlitary and gregarious on red clay subsoil near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico at 950 fasl. Cap - Hazel-sepia, umbono-convex, broad, 15 - 20 rom x 7 - 9 rom high, at times lobular, edge straight, slightly rimose and eroded, opaque, translucent from below, dull, moist, hygrophanous, smooth, furrowed especially near the margin, thickening toward the apex, soft. Gills - adnate, ascendant, breaking away on expansion, broad, quite close (30), hazel colored, with two tiers of lamellulae. Stem - 2 - 3 rom x 50 - 65 rom, thickening downward, central, coated with longitudinally aligned white fibrils in the basal third to half, smooth above and pruinose near the apex, dark brick to deep bay with age, flesh concolorous except in partially hollow section, there buff, fibrous. #161 - Psilocybe caerulescens - Specimen spoiled #162 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe caerulescens Solitary on disturbed red clay subsoil near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #163 - July 5, 1980 - Psilocybe cordispora Two sOlitary specimens on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fasl. neat Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. --- #164 - July 5, 1980 - Psythrella sepulcharelis On red clay subsoil at 1000 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Gregarious. Local informant, Andres Manteca, stated that this species is an active species and he calls this "San Pedro", saying they are used with San Pablo. #165 - July 6, 1980 - Psilocybe Hoogshageni Gregarious on red clay subsoil near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. At 1325 fasl. #166 - July 6, 1980 - Psilocybe caerulescens SOlitary on an embankment on soil near Lorna de Naranjo at 1325 fasl. Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #167 - July 6, 1980 SOlitary on an embankment on red clay subsoil at 1325 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #168 - July 6, 1980 Caespitose on a red clay subsoil deposit in a ravine (olla) in dense shade at 1300 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Ca~ - Sienna brown, 7 - 12 rom broad x 11 - 13 rom, conic-bluntly pOlnted, margin markedly incurved, lobular, shiny-viscid, hygrophanous, translucent, veil membranous, somewhat cortinoid, appendiculate and leaving an annular zone on the stipe, flesh concolorous, tapering toward the margin, translucent. Gills - adnate, ascendant, narrow, pallid, close, readily staining blue. Stem - entirely coated with white somewhat scabrous longitudinally aligned fibrils, fibrous, hollow, 2 - 4 rom x 18 - 35 rom. #169 - July 6, 1980 - Psilocybe Singeri Gregarious on disturbed red clay subsoil in shade at 1300 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Cap - 6 - 35 rom broad x 7 - 17 rom, conic, at times conic-convex, in age expanding in the marginal half to lobular-furrowed, at times the margin turns upwards, somewhat papillate, brownish hazel when young, darkening to snuff brown, translucent-striate, smooth, flesh concolorous except in the umbo where white and readily staining blue, thin at the margin and gradually thickening toward the apex. Gills - ascendant, adnexed, broad, quite close, white when young, darkening to hazel, mottled with age and finally purple brown, with three tiers of lamellulae. Stem - 1 - 3 rom x 40 - 90, gradually thickening downward, pallid near the apex when young, otherwise bay, deep bay to purplish chestnut with age, somewhat coated with short whitish fibrils in the basal portion, apical portion pruinose, fibrous, context concolorous except the whitish to fulvous central pith, partially hollow. #170 - July 6, 1980 - Psilocybe cordispora SOlitary to somewhat gregarious and at times clustered in twos and threes on embankments near a small stream in shade on clay subsoil near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Cap - 8 - 25 rom broad x 5 - 9 rom, convex and expanding to nearly plane, sometimes umbonate, infrequently papillate, margin normally straight, infrequently upturned, hazel to sepia, dull, opaque, smooth except furrowed in some, flesh concolorous when fresh, drying to white, readily staining blue, thickest at the apex and uniformly tapering to a point at the margin. Hygrophanous. Gills - adnexed, broad, subdistant or somewhat close (20), initially pallid, then hazel, finally deep purple brown, edges whitish to light hazel, with two tiers of lamellulae, all very uniform in lenght and size, turning flat in some. Stem - 1 - 2 rom x 30 - 70, central, base enlarged and coated with white fibrils, diminishing upward to glabrous and then pruinose near the apex, dark brick to bay colored, fibrous, context concolorous except for a fulvous-sienna lining of hollow portion. #171 - Psilocybe cordispora - July 6, 1980 Gregarious on soil on an embankment in shade at 1250 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #172 - Cordyceps?? species #173 - July 6, 1980 - Psi1ocybe caeru1escens Solitary to caespitose on red clay subsoil disturbed and moved by road construction. In shade at 1250 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #174 - July 6, 1980 - Psilocybe Hoogshageni In caespitose groups on red clay subsoil disturbed by road construction and in shade at 1250 fas1. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #175 - July 6, 1980 - Psi1ocybe Singeri On red clay subsoil fill and embankments in shade near a stream at 1250 fasl. near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. #176 - July 7, 1980 - Psilocybe On soil enriched with humus from an embankment in a deciduous woods. Near Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Cap - 10 rom x 10 rom, conic-convex, very fragile, with a small umbo, hazel-sepia Stem - reddish bay, fibrillose basal half inserted in loose, humus rich soil. #177 - July 8, 1980 Clustered and gregarious on soil amidst grasses from southeast of Acajete near 6000 fasl. State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. #178 - July 8, 1980 In small groups on a soil deposit of Amidst grasses in a shaded area of a vertical hillside at near 6000 fas1. Mexico. principally red clay subsoil. pasture at the base of a south of Acajete, Vera Cruz, #179 - July 8, 1980 - Psilocybe zapotecorum On erosion deposited soil (principally red clay subsoil) amidst grasses near a stream in a shady area in a wooded pasture at the base of a vertical hillside at near 6000 fasl. south of Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #180 - July 9, 1980 - Psilocybe yungensis On a decomposing log in shade in a partially wooded area at 5,100 fasl. near Paz de Enriquez, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #181 - July 9, 1980 A single solitary specimen fruiting from an old stipe from below soil surface level in dense shade in a deciduous forest near Paz de Enriquez, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #182"- July 11, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae Two specimens branching from an old stipe and fruiting from below the soil surface level at 6100 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, Mexico. #183 - July 11, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae Solitary on an embankment on a steep hillside in an open and mixed woods at 6100 fasl. Stem - 215 rom long #184 - July 11, 1980 Two specimens growing equally and in close proximity and fruiting from below the soil-humus surface level via a narrow hole and having a primordium forming at the interface of the stem fibrils and surrounding soil. The two mature carpophores were preceded and assumably were primordia formed either at the point of inter face of the stem tomentum and the surrounding soil or of the tomentum itself. The decomposition of the upper portion of the previous carpophore could possibly be a factor in this psuedobranching. East of Acajete at 5900 fasl. Vera Cruz, Mexico. - - - - - - #185 - July 11, 1980 From soil and humus from an embankment at 5900 fasl. near Acajete (east), Vera Cruz, Mexico. Four carpophores fruiting and attached to two old stipes which were decomposed just above the point of attachment. #186 - July 11, 1980 Caps up to 5 rom. broad, on moss, sOlitary and gregarious at 6,000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz. #187 - July 11, 1980 - Psilocybe Herrarae SOlitary or in pairs on embankments from humus enriched soil in a woods at 5,800 fasl. above Piletas, Vera Cruz. Stems up to 250 rom long, up to 4 rom. wide, caps to 27mm wide. #188 - July 11, 1980 - Psilocybe Zapotecorum - Acajete, Vera Cruz #189 - July 20, 1980 Three scattered specimens on disturbed soil. Broadly convex and umbonate. Rio Uruapan, Tuxtepec #190 - July 18, 1980 - Psilocybe caeru1escens In a pasture amidst grasses at Finca Carlota, Ayaut1a District, Oaxaca #191 July 19, 1980 Psilocybe caerulescens On disturbed soil at 1075 fasl, a sOlitary specimen near the Uruapan River, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca #192 - July 19, 1980 A sOlitary specimen on disturbed soil at 1075 fasl. near the Uruapan River, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, #193 - July 19, 1980 On disturbed soil at 1075 fasl. White fibrillose stem, gills pallid, a solitary young carpophore, bluing readily #194 - July 20, 1980 Two sOlitary specimens on disturbed soil at 1075 fasl. Rio Uruapan, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca 0 #195 - July 20, 1980 - Psilocybe singerii Cap - 12 mm broad x 7 mm, broadly convex and broadly umbonate, dark snuff brown to cigar brown. Stem - 60 x 1.5mm, base slightly bulbous, somewhat inserted in soil. Solitary, one specimen at 1075 fasl. near the Rio Uruapan, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. #196 - July 20, 1980 - Psilocybe Weldeni Five sOlitary specimens on soil at 1,000 fasl. near Llano Grande, Oaxaca, Mexico. Caps expanded and wavy #197 - July 20, 1980 - Psilocybe cordispora Scattered on disturbed red clay subsoil on embankments at 975 fasl near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. #198 - Psilocybe cordispora - July 20, 1980 Scattered on red clay subsoil at 989 faslo near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico 0 #199- July 20, 1980 Broad, umbonate caps, gregarious on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fasl near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. #200 - Psilocybe caerulescens Material decomposed #201 - July 20, 1980 - Psilocybe species, afin Hoogshageni SOlitary on soil at 975 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico 0 Cap - 20 x 9mm high, broadly conic with a broad umbo, smooth, dull, slightly furrowed, fulvous brown, flesh more pallid, thick in the umbo, very thin and tapered to a point at the margin, Gills ascendant, adnexed, pallid, close, with three tiers of lamelullae, Stem - 2mm x 65mm, bay colored except the very apex, there more pallid, coated with fine white fibrils, fibrous, flesh concolorous, hollow. #202 - July 20, 1980 Two gregarious specimens on disturbed red clay soil at 975 fasl. near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Cap - convex-umbonate, striate and furrowed, 12-14mm broad x 8 - 10mm, fulvous brown to light cigar brown, Gills - ascendant, adnexed, broad, light snuff brown, close with three tiers of lamellulae. Stem - 2mm x 55mm, basal half coated with white fibrils, otherWISe bay, fibrous. #203 - July 20, 1980 - Psilocybe Hoogshageni Caespitose on disturbed red clay subsoil at 975 fasl near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca #204 - July 20, 1980 A distinctly umbonate sOlitary Psilocybe specimen on soil near Llano Grande, Tuxtepec, Oaxacao #205 - Psilocybe Weldeni - July 20, 1980 On soil below humus and dry leaves in a coffee plantation near Lorna de Naranjo, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. #206 - July 23, 1980 - Psilocybe zapotecorum Two caespitose specimens amidst grasses, mint, and ferns on soil in a shaded area in a pasture near Acajete, Vera Cruz, at 6,000 fasl. #207 - July 23, 1980 On a stream embankment from soil at 6,000 fasl. near Acajete, Vera Cruz, #208 - July 13, 1980 - psilocybe caerulescens Near Huixcatlan, Vera Cruz, In a pasture on red clay soil. #209 - July 13, 1980 Near Huixcatlan, Vera Cruz. In the same site as #208- P. caerulescens- from soil deposited by erosion in a pastureo Macroscopically almost identical to all previous P. mexicana material, but occuring in the same habitat as P. caerulescens and on deposited soil.(red clay) 6,000 fasl. Notas Adicionales para explicar la importancla de cada colecta,' propositos de haberla colectado y relacion a ' otras colectas. #107- posiblemente una nueva especia, afin yungensis por aparencia macroscopica (narrov~ crowded gills). Son varios las colectas que son aparentemente esta misma especia y son de varios lugares de los environs de Jalapa. Adicionalmente se nota que fue la especia de mayor ocurrencla entre las especlas terricolas en esa zona en el verano de 80. #108- colectado para recordar la ocurencia - p. Wassoniorum #109 P. Wassoniorum - colectado para datos macroscopicos #110- Psilocybe sp. afin a #107 & yungensis #111- Psilocybe species- not previously found by this author, possibly a new species- afin sect. cordispora, possibly P. jalapensis #112- afin #107 & yungensis #113- Po zapotecorum- colectado por ser poco pigmentado a razon de estar creciendo en ~ ausencia de luz. Fue muy transparente. #114- p. zapotecorum- colectado para recordar la ocurencia. #115- P. Herrarae- colectado para recordar la ocurencia #116- afin #107 & yungensis #117- Po yungensis - colectado para recordar la ocurencia. #118- p. Herrarae??? - identificacion macroscopico, para recordar la-Dcurencia sabre tocto. #119- Psilocybe spo - una sola muestra, no identificable por el autor. #120- Psilocybe sp. - very small, una sola muestra, no identificable por el autor. #121- Psilocybe sp. (afin montana??) una sola muestra no identificable por el autor. #122- P. banderillensis 0 jalapensis???? #123- p. zapotecorum - para recordar el sitio y ocurencia. #124- p. caerulescens por vista macroscopica. En el mismo derumbe encontre zapos y afin yungensis. #125- p. caerulescens, forma heliop~lia, para recordar la ocurenciao #126- p. mexicana para recordar la ocurencia #127- p. cubensis para recordar la ocurencla #128- Po Wassoniorum - para recordar el sitio y la ocurencla. #129- Psilocybe species - no identificable par el autor, una sola muestra. Posiblemente p. mammilata??? #130- afin #107 & YUngensis #131- Po zapatecorum - para recordar la ocurencla y comparar con las-colectas #130 & 132. Tome fotos de las tres lado a lado. #132- Psilocybe species - afin colecta #17 de VI-23-77. Algo aparecido a P. cyanescens con vela muy cortinaria y lamellas no muy acercanas. Ocurio a 30 em. de la colecta #151 de once dias anteriores y no muy lejano (1 - 2 mt.) de donde fructo P. Zapoo en los anos anteriores. Se recordara de que #17 fue identificado come P. zapa. microscopicamente pero siguia yo creyendolos impasible ser la misma especia de vista macroscopica.,1 1''''' M!t ' .. ~ 133. CL1",:",- fVT' y~,~~ #13~- Psilocybe sp. - Muy pequeno - colectado para averiquar la posibilidad de que sea una especia conocida pero variado morphologicamente por no ser de tomano normal. Solo conto con dos filas de lamellas en vez de tres 6 cuatro total. Posiblemente es una especia nueva, quizas afin a #120. Fue una sola muestra. #135- mexicana recordar el si tio '" Po Para y la ocurenCla. #136- P. Herrarae Para recordar el si tio, habitato y ocurenc{a. #137- p. Herrarae Para recordar datos , nuevos macroscoplcoS. #138- P. spo - no identificable par el autor #139- Psilocybe species - aparecido a p. armandii y con el caracter a manchar azul en el contexte del sombrero como en la section cordisparao Una sola muestra. #140- Psilocybe species - una sola muestra - no identificable. #141- p. Wassoniorum - para recordar el si tlo y la ocurencia. #142- p. Herrarae Para recordar la " ocurenCla. #143- p. Herrarae Para recordar el sitio, el habitato , y ocurenCla. #144- p. Herrarae recordar datos . para macroscoplCOS 0 #145- Psilocybe species - Muy pequeno y no identificable por el autor. Una sola muestrao - - #146- afin #107 & yungensis #147- afin a P. Herrarae, se diferencia por forma del sombrero y co1oro Dcurio en e1 misme habitato que p. Herrarae. #148- p. Herrarae - para recordar nuevos datos. #149- Po Wassoniorum - para recordar nuevos datos. #150- afin #107 & yungensis #151- afin #107 & YUngensis - para datos macroscoplcos. #152- Po caeru1escens - para recordar e1 sitio y ocurencia. #153- pudri6 #154- p. We1deni??? - Para recordar datos, sitio, habitatoo #155- Psi10cybe especia, no conocido por e1 autor. #156- igua1 a #155 pero co1ectado aparte. #157- para recordar 1a ocurencia en un bosque nativo tropical. #158- no conocido por e1 autor #159- no conocido por e1 autor #160- Po cordispora para recordar e1 sitio -- - y ocurenca. #161- p. caeru1escens - para recordar nuevos datos macroscopicos. #162- para recordar 1a ocurencia. #163- Po cordispora recordar 1a -- - para ocurenca. #164- para recordar nuevas datos. #165- para recordar 1a ocurencia y sitio #166- recordar 1a .. para ocurenca. #167- una sola muestra para recordar e1 habitato y porque no fue-identificab1e por e1 autor. Parece a P. Hoogshageni. Dcurio dentro de una olla en 1a oscuridad. #168- Dentro de 1a misma olla, tambien no identificab1e por e1 autor por no estar maduro sobre to do, aparicido a caeru1escens con mucha vela a #169- p. Singeri?? Para 11evar datos .. macroscopcoso #170- Po cordispora para 11evar datos macro. #171- Po cordispora para recordar 1a ocurencia. #172- porque mancha negro --- #173- p. caerulescens - para recordar la ocurenc[a y sitio. #174- p. Hoogshageni - para recordar el habitato y sitio. # 175- p. Singeri?? - para recordar el habitato y ocurencia. #176- P. jalapensis?? no conocido por el autor. #177- afin a #107 & YUngensis #178- afin a #107 & YUngensis El mismo sitio que #123 &124. #179- P zapo. - Mismo sitio que #178, para comparacion. para recordar el sitio. jacobsii sp. novo 54.A f. zapotecorum 54.B f. cordispora 55 .. P. heimi 56. ... . . . . . . .. ~. caerulescens 57 :f. singeri 58 f. hoogshageni 59 ... f. hoogshageni 60 . . . . . . . . . . . P. mexicana 61 ... .. P. mexicana 62 ... ... P. subcubensis 63 .. ... P. crobula 64 P. caerulescens 65 .. :f. hoogshageni 67 P. mexicana 68 P. caeru1escens 69 . . . . . . . . . . . .. P. cu bens i s 70 P. herrerae 71 . .. f. Q~F&i8J!'8J?a "Po 114001 72 E. zapotecorum 73 . . . . . .. f. zapotecorum 75 Naematoloma sp. The material collected in ClacKanas, Oregon (With the color picture) is f. moel1eri. Jacobs' fungi (Psilocybe) 6. p. armandii Guzman & Pollock (Amatepec, Mitla-Toton tepee) 14. p. mex~cana Heim (Totontepec) 17. p. zapotecorum Heim emend. Guzman (San Jos~ del Paci fico) 48. P. caerulescens yare umbrophila (Heim) Guzman (Ayautla) 88 & 90. r. wassoniorum Guzman & Pollock (Paz de Enriquez) 89. P. YUngensis Sing. & Smith (Paz de Enriquez).