CIS233DA -- The Internet Web Publishing -- Quiz Three |
Fill in the blanks: Use a word processor or Composer to complete the quiz. Replace the x's with your responses. The short underlines before and after your answer facilitates grading. Thanks. JavaScript is a __x__ language that describes data and procedures in terms of __x__, __x__, and __x__. JavaScript runs in the __x__. Events are __x__ that associate an __x__ with an action. Expressions are __x__ that assign values to __x__. JavaScript scripts can be __x__ in an HTML page, can reside in a separate page, or can be placed within certain __x__. The first method placed the script between the <__x__> and <__x__> tags. The second method uses a separate file to contain the script, which must be of the type "__x__" and must be saved with a __x__. JavaScript __x__ and __x__ can be combined to create functions. There are many JavaScripts available on the __x__. JavaScript is a subest of __x__. When browsers that do not support JavaScript encounter a script they attempt to __x__ in the page. To avoid this problem you hide the script using __x__. Object properties describe appearance, __x__ or __x__. Match columns using each answer only once. |
______ object and property ______ object and method ______ onBlur ______ Math.ceil ______ getMonth() ______ one equals sign ______ two equals signs ______ two ampersand signs ______ document ______ anchor ______ focus ______ history ______ checked |
a. returns a number b. event handler c. logical operator d. bgColor e. window.status f. assigns a value g. rounds value h. document.write i. comparison operator j. name k. Boolian l. event m. back |
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