Section 7135 -- 3 Credits -- Fall 2001 Class Web site: James Q. Jacobs, Instructor. Home phone: (8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.) |
Course Description: Design and creation of presentations
on the Internet's World Wide Web with the Web's hypertext markup language
(HTML). Hands-on experience authoring HTML and preparing web documents.
Covers emerging issues in Web publishing. Prerequisites:
BPC/CIS133BA or BPC/CIS133DA or permission of instructor.
Classes are held on Tuesdays, August 21 to Dec. 4, from 7:10 to 9:50 p.m. in Room BA1W and BA2W on the Dobson campus. My Multiuse Lab schedule is Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
ASSESSMENT: Grades will be based on completion of assignments, quality of projects, quizzes and an objective test. Evaluation: The letter grade you earn in the class will be based upon your completion of assignments and your performance on tests as follows: Quizzes 20%, Assignments 20%, Web Pages 40%, Final Test 20%. All assignments will be worth a specific number of points. Points will be deducted for missed due dates. Your total points at the completion of the course will determine your grade. The scale is as follows: 100 - 86% = A, 86 - 72% = B, 72 - 60% = C, 60 - 50% = D, 50 - 0% = F MATERIALS: Electronic storage media (use of a remote
storage drive may be useful). LAB: You will need an MCC student ID card to access the Multiuse Lab. ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Each class builds on previous topics. Two unexcused absences will reduce your grade 10% and three may result in being dropped from the course. Any modification in attendance must be made with the instructor in advance, or it will be unexcused. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Class will be a combination of lab, lecture and
hands-on tutorials. You should read the text before doing the
exercises in class. Feel free to help one another except in testing
situations. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the
learning process. A creative and enjoyable environment is a better learning
environment. If, for some reason, you are not enjoying this class bring
it to my attention. DISABILITIES or SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability, including a learning disability, please see me after class, during my scheduled lab time, or e-mail me to discuss any accomidations you may need. ACADEMIC ETHICS: I encourage cooperative and collective learning. You are responsible for completing your own work. Any form of academic dishonesty or its facilitation may be subject to discilinary action. For institutional policy see the Student Handbook. COMPUTER USE: You are responsible for knowing the standards and rules governing computer use on the campus. Violation of the Standards may result in your account termination and disciplinary action. If any adjustments must be made to this syllabus, the changes will be provided in writing. |
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