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CIS233DA -- The Internet Web Publishing

Design and creation of presentations on the World Wide Web.
Hands-on experience authoring Web documents.  
Prerequisites: BPC/CIS133BA or BPC/CIS133DA or permission.

Class Syllabus  |  Class Assignments

Student Web Sites -- Fall 2001

  • Erin Benson - www.clubphx.com
  • Evan Chang - www.geocities.com/evanchang2000
  • Miguel Chinchillas - avidgraphics.f2s.com
  • Frank Garcia - abundantlifeupc.org
  • William Hughes - www.freewebz.com/hughesaz
  • Theresa Lawrence - home.earthlink.net/~tmlphx
  • Eric Naddy - unixpuppy.tripod.com
  • Geoffrey Orr - www.angelfire.com/mo/mothrock
  • Murphy Russell - www.geocities.com/murphyr14
  • Paul Shuck - home.earthlink.net/~paulshuck
  • Marcus Smith - www.on-a-role.com
  • Doug Urquhart - www.geocities.com/urquhart85210

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