Far View Village Pueblos on Mesa Verde

Pipe Shrine House kiva.
Pipe Shrine House kiva.

Map of the Far View community pueblos and Far View reservoir.
Map of the Far View community pueblos and Far View reservoir.
Inset image above is a detail on Far View tower. Below, a petroglyph stone at Pipe Shrine House.
petroglyph stone at Pipe Shrine House

Far View House tower and kivas.
Far View House tower and kivas.
On Mesa Verde, numerous well-built, double-coursed masonry towers were
constructed with pecked stones. Several kivas have tunnels leading to towers.
Badger House.  Several kivas have tunnels leading to towers.

Kiva and room block at Far View Pueblo.
Kiva and room block at Far View Pueblo.

Far View reservoir is one of several human-engineered water collection tanks on Mesa Verde.
Far View reservoir, interpreted as human-engineered water collection and/or meeting place.

Far View reservoir

Mesa Verde reservoirs were commemorated as a "National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark"

The prehistoric Mesa Verde reservoirs were commemorated as a "National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark" in 2004. The plaque reads, in part, "Mesa Verde's industrious Ancestral Puebloans designed, constructed, and maintained Morefield, Box Elder, Far View, and Sage Brush reservoirs for domestic water-storage betwen A.D. 750 and 1180."

Megalithic House is so-named due to a room block wall built with a base of large stones.
Megalithic House is so-named due to a room block wall built with a base of large stones.

Coyote Village Pueblo

Keyhole-shaped kiva in Coyote Village Pueblo.
Keyhole-shaped kiva in Coyote Village Pueblo.

Coyote Village Pueblo chronology map

View of Coyote Village from the southeast corner of the pueblo.
View of Coyote Village from the southeast corner of the pueblo.

Coyote Village
Were these pole shelves in the large kiva bunk beds?

Puebloan corn grinding stations
Several corn grinding stations are well-preserved in the ruins.
Puebloan corn grinding stations on Mesa Verde

Coyote Village tower and the adjacent kiva are cardinally oriented.
Coyote Village tower and the adjacent kiva are cardinally oriented.

Mesa Verde Photo Galleries
Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace
Far View Village

2014.03.06 - Mesa Verde’s ‘Mummy Lake’ Was Built to Hold Rituals, Not Water, Study Says

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