Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

In the high desert of southwest Colorado, below well-known Mesa Verde, about 164,000 acres containing more than 6,000 known archaeological sites have been protected by the year 2000 National Monument Presidential designation. The monument contains the largest concentration of archaeological sites in the nation.

New Photo Galleries:   Lowry Ruin   |   Sand Canyon Ruins   |   Yucca House Ruins

Photo Gallery:  Anasazi Heritage Center Museum and Escalante Pueblo Ruin
Anasazi                 Heritage Center Museum
3 MB PowerPoint:  Anasazi Heritage Center

Painted Hand Pueblo

Painted Hand Pueblo, built about 800 years ago, is a village site consisting of about 20 rooms, some faint rock art, and a magnificent stone tower. Deep soils suitable for dryland farming supported Ancestral Pebloan populatons on the Great Sage Plain, between Cortez, Colorado, and Monticello, Utah. Painted Had Pueblo is lcated off BLM road 4531, en route to the Cutthroat Castle unit of Hovenweep National Monument. , or about 17 miles from highway 461 and Pleasant View, Colorado, over 30 miles from the Anasazi Heritage Center near Dolores. Access to the ruins and rock art includes a step trail descending a cliff face. The tower is visible from an overview also featuring a grand view of Rocky Mountain ranges.

Painted Hand Pueblo circular stone tower
The stone masonry of the Painted Hand Pueblo tower is particularly well-crafted.
Finger impressions remain visible in the adobe mortar.

Painted Hand Pueblo circular stone tower

External Links

BLM: Canyon of the Ancients NM - Resource Management Plan

Next on the Southwest Web Ring:

Coronado State Monument

Mesa Verde National Park
Spruce Tree House
Canyon de Chelly
Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Aztec Ruins
Salmon Ruins
Hovenweep National Monument
Trail of the Ancients
Pecos National Historical Park
Canyons of the Ancients
Edge of the Cedars
Coronado State Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Blythe Intaglios
Salinas Pueblo Missions
Montezuma Castle
Water Politics and the History of
the Fort McDowell Indian Community
Social Organization of
Three Apache Tribes
A History of Havasupai
Political Organization
Diabetes: Thrifty Genotype
or Thrifty Phenotype?
Southwest Archaeology
Lecture Notes
Pueblo Grande Mound
A Labor Analysis
Rattlesnakes of Arizona
The Chaco Meridian

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