Chetro Ketl, a Photo Gallery

Great kiva in the Chetro Ketl plaza.

Elevated kiva in room block.

North wall.

Kivas in southeast section of the room block.

Masonry details in different sections.

The north walls displays settling and leaning after about 1,000 years.

In the foreground is one of the two great kivas in the Chetro Ketl plaza.  The kiva is 60 feet in diameter.  The north side suite of rooms is visible in the background.  Niches are features in some great kivas.  The rectangular masonry forms in the floor area may have served as floor drums.  The circular forms were bases for the roof support posts. The Chetro Ketl room count is estimated at about 500, and about 5,000 trees were used. Chetro Ketl is near Pueblo Bonito, due east up canyon half a kilometer.

More Chaco photo galleries in addition to this page:
Pueblo Bonito
Chaco Canyon
Casa Rinconada
Pueblo del Arroyo
Peñasco Blanco
Tsin Kletso
Pueblo Pintado
Pueblo Alto
Kin Kletso

Pueblo Bonito
Chaco Canyon
Aztec Ruin
Next on the Southwest Web Ring:

The Chaco Meridian

Mesa Verde National Park
Spruce Tree House
Canyon de Chelly
Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Aztec Ruins
Salmon Ruins
Hovenweep National Monument
Trail of the Ancients
Pecos National Historical Park
Canyons of the Ancients
Edge of the Cedars
Coronado State Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Blythe Intaglios
Salinas Pueblo Missions
Montezuma Castle
Water Politics and the History of
the Fort McDowell Indian Community
Social Organization of
Three Apache Tribes
A History of Havasupai
Political Organization
Diabetes: Thrifty Genotype
or Thrifty Phenotype?
Southwest Archaeology
Lecture Notes
Pueblo Grande Mound
A Labor Analysis
Rattlesnakes of Arizona
The Chaco Meridian

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