Earthworks of Eastern North America
Mound City and Chillicothe

Mound City Group, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

Inside an earthen enclosure over 2000 feet wide, a concentration of burial mounds yielded a wealth of artifacts when excavated. Mound City Group is one of several ancient earthworks now owned by the National Park Service.

Mound City Group, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

This image views the enclosure wall and several mounds from the NW corner, looking east. The corners of the enclosure walls are somewhat rounded.

This image views Central Mound, the tallest mound.

Central Mound.  Mound City Group, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park.

Mound City Group, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park


From the largest Mound City mound to Hopewell Mound equals 0.0002 circumference distance, 1/5,000th.

Mound City Group, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

Site Coordinates
Longitude Latitude Location
83.002472 39.373222 Mound City SE embankment line intersection
83.006111 39.377417 Mound City NW embankment line intersection
83.005361 39.375083 Mound City SW embankment line intersection
83.004431 39.376306 Mound City Central Mound, mean 2 GPS

Google Earth placemarks file displaying GPS readings.

Sources and Bibliography

©2006 by James Q. Jacobs.  All Rights Reserved.  Permissions and Contact.

Earthworks of Eastern North America
Mound City
Hopeton Works
Hopewell Earthworks
Liberty and High Bank
Cahokia Mounds
Indiana Earthworks
Grave Creek
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South America
The Southwest
Rock Art
Pacific Northwest
Mt. St. Helens
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