Happy International Archaeology Day 2020
2020.10.17 - Happy Tenth International Archaeology Day. You can enjoy archaeology virtually with Google Earth KML files and visit thousands of sites without traveling. I recommend turning on the Photos layer in Google Earth to benefit from thousands of people sharing their images. Turn on Layers > Gallery > Google Earth Community to activate placemarks which lead to more information on the sites you are viewing. Here is my primary file of sites all around the globe, featuring over 9,000 placemarks:
Ancient Monuments Placemarks — http://www.jqjacobs.net/kml/archaeogeodesy.kml
Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day 2020
2020.10.12 - I'm celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day working on graphics and updates to KML files. Recent Machupicchu research included updating several monument and mountain peak coordinates and placemarking additional monuments, resulting in a series of chores to update previous files and graphics. I updated the ArchaeoGeodesy XLS research applet so the new and refined coordinates are available there. Here are the updated files:
Machupicchu Sites | |
ArchaeoGeodesy XLS v2020.10.12 | |
Ancient Monuments Placemarks | |
Newark Archaeogeodesy | |
Ancient Monument Phi Ratios | |
Chavin de Huantar Archaeogeodesy | |
Casma-Sechin Archaeogeodesy | |
The Machupicchu Sites KML file previews some of the study results in the final folder, in the form of graphics. New Machupicchu results related the Newark, Chavin, Casma-Sechin, and Phi are included in their respective KML updates.
Happy March Equinox
2020.03.19 - The earliest equinox in over a century is just an artifact of how we create a calendar to try to match the cosmos. Equinox happens at the same time every time, the instant the earth's axis of rotation is perpendicular to solar orbit, but even that requires caveats I won't go into here. This entry is intended to link recently updated KML files. I'm uploading revised files from time to time without posting a notice here or altering version numbers, so if you cite a file use your access date.
Amazon Geoglyphs KML is updated with all 2020 surveys to date and, for the first time, a folder with selected study results has been added. The Amazon Geoglyphs XLS is also updated, now 564 sites in the database.
While my Machupicchu research continues, I have updated the Newark Arcs KML with Newark's Machupicchu results and with slightly changed results due to adjusting a few monument coordinates to improve accuracy.
This graphic annotes a link to a file not yet posted online.
Aconcagua figures prominently in the Machupicchu results to be posted soon. Meanwhile, I continue updating my primary Ancient Monuments Placemarks KML file and uploading on occasion.
Ancient Monument Baselines
2020.02.02 - The most significant monument latitude study results are now online in a new KML file, Ancient Baselines. The placemarks include quotations from site related webpages along with quotes from selected academic sources. Download the Google Earth KML file: jqjacobs.net/kml/baselines.kml
Happy New Year 2020
2020.01.01 - A new decade has begun without completing projects I had hoped would be accomplished, but this is a happy note — too much fruit to pick makes for a very long harvest. Last year began with file updating, a quick consideration of meteor craters, and a computer failure with an easy Time Machine restoration on a new iMac. I hussled to download the 5,000 Panoramio photos I had linked as embeds in placemarks before Google deleted Panoramio.com and I modified a personal version of archaeogeodesy.kml so at least that voluminous photo research work would survive on my hard drive. Rewriting several versions of immense computer code files is a time sink, especially when one mistaken character in 40,000 lines of code sinks the file.
In February, with coding and web update chores completed, the fun began. I turned to analyzing Machupicchu and that project is not yet complete because the results continue to be fruitful. A lot is accomplished, including the geodesy research to improve accuracy of the coordinates. I uploaded a revised placemarks file with Machupicchu, Llactapate, the Inca Trail, and some other surrounding sites having significance in the results. A results KML and a new web page will follow later. Meanwhile, enjoy the sites placemarks with restored Panoramio photo embedding by linking to the Web Archive versions.
Machupicchu Sites KML - download jqjacobs.net/andes/kml/machupicchu.kml — 200 KB.
Now a year has passed and I've updated those 40,000 lines of code again. I spent most of today completing the project then hunting for the bugs which didn't allow the file to load. At least my annual update projects are complete and now online, links follow below.
v2020 Updates
2020.01.01 - ArchaeoGeodesy KML - Ancient Monuments in Google Earth. Spanning the globe, more than 9,000 placemarks of ancient monuments and anthropogenic features. All new site additions in ArchaeoGeodesy XLS are included in this update.
Download the 3.6 MB Google Earth file - jqjacobs.net/kml/archaeogeodesy.kml.
2020.01.01 - ArchaeoGeodesy XLS v2020 is online, my Excel research applet spreadsheet with coordinates for 5,000 mounds, pyramids, monuments, and ancient sites worldwide.
Download the 2.6 MB file - jqjacobs.net/astro/xls/archaeogeodesy.xls.
2020.01.01 - Southwest Archaeology KML v2020 is an updated version with more placemarks, new formatting, larger image embeds in the placemark balloons, and more content. This file includes all the individual site KML files in one southwest folder.
Download the 91 KB file - jqjacobs.net/kml/southwest.kml.
2020.01.09 - Space Archaeology in the Amazon, Beni, Bolivia v2020 is updated with 2019 surveys and reformatting.
Download the 1.2 MB KML file - jqjacobs.net/amazon/bolivia.kml.
2020.01.10 - Amazon Geoglyphs KML v2020 is updated with reformatting and all 2019 surveys.
Download the 830 KB KML file - jqjacobs.net/amazon/amazon_geoglyphs.kml.
2020.01.16 - Amazon Geoglyphs XLS is updated with new 2020 hi-res update surveys, 38 geoglphs just added, now 564 sites in the database.
Download the 165 KB XLS file - jqjacobs.net/amazon/amazon_geoglyphs.xls.
Previous Years Linked Below |